Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Waterfalls Essay Research Paper Visiting a free essay sample

The Waterfalls Essay, Research Paper Visiting a cascade, especially on a hot twenty-four hours, can be a most loved way to pass a twenty-four hours. You get in your auto, push for detail mis, so get out and walk the parity of the way to a cascade. Human advancement has cleared and stamped a tract for you and the a large number like you that hold other than come to luxuriate these named tourist spots. Once in a while cause you to obtain to lounge the regular magnificence of one by simply venturing out into your ain terrace. Behind my home, scarcely recognizable, is a path taking through the woods to a cascade. The path is limited yet acceptable worn. Any greenery that would hold developed has been stomped on down what not that is left is a truly thin way, overhung with developments from the trees that mark its sides. As I start down the path, I start to encounter the trees shuting around me until the house can never again be seen. We will compose a custom article test on The Waterfalls Essay Research Paper Visiting a or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I follow the path to where it stops at the stream # 8217 ; s fringe, approaching delicately so as non to disturb any of the wild creatures that has come to lounge the cool new H2O. I tenderly traverse the creek using the stones, which show the wear of a few old intersection, with the goal that I can hold full situation of the stream and the magnificence it has. I can hear the flurry of the H2O long prior I see the falls. As I plunk down on the huge dark record stone that has been warmed by the early forenoon Sun, I start to swallow in the magnificence as a starvation grown-up male would drink down supplement. I start my regular ceremony of breaking down the Bankss of the creek by gazing down the correct side of it first. I notice that the wild azaleas are in full sprout and that the trees have recovered all their foliages. They stand tall and olympian as though they are warriors standing watchman. My respect goes up one of the trees to occur two squirrels clicking down at me as though to state Travel off what's more, go forward us in harmony. Further down beginnings the delicate law breaker that takes the equalization of the creek from my position. My look removals to one side of the bank and there lies an old oak tree that has fallen some time in the past. It despite everything lies standard tially upon its stump with the goal that it would seem that the type of a L . Two ducks are using it for a resting roost. I proceed with my examining up the bank to the cornel trees. Their magnificence is astounding. Their regions, loaded up with ivory white blossoms, stretch over the creek as though trying to contact the opposite side. They help me to remember an opening, trusting that individual will walk underneath them. Remaining close by the bank is an excellent Branch of Energy with her infant dun. She flicks her ears and rises her olfactory organ to the air as though to get my fragrance. I do non travel believing that she will remain just a spot longer. After she runs off, my eyes proceed with their ambush of the Bankss. Gradually it comes into point of convergence, what has drawn me here twenty-four hours following twenty-four hours. The cascade! As I look at it, I can encounter the imperturbability and the intensity of the H2O as it surges over the stones and into the pool 10 pess beneath. I lay back on my stone and see that the trees have opened their foliages to let me a place of the sky. The sky is a cerulean blue with white pillowy mists. I close my eyes and tune in to the sound of the cascade and permit it lure me into that no place land that makes me experience as though I completely altogether, the solitary subsister on this planet. My head goes unaware to everything aside from the hotfooting sound of the H2O. Gradually different sounds start to filtrate through. I hear the winged animals vocalizing, the squirrels despite everything clicking off as I keep on lying at that place entirely content with myself. It appears as though only seconds have passed however I realize that it must be hours since I can no longer experience the warmth of the Sun. Gradually I rise, cognizing that I should get down making a beeline for the house. I take one final long articulation and I start to ask, as I have so often previously, will it be here when I return again? Will the wild vitalize creatures permit me to partition the cascade, the creek and the magnificence, all things considered, again with them? I most likely expectation so in light of the fact that I can accept of no other topographic point I couldn't want anything more than to see so regularly than the cascade that is a part of my ain patio.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Write an Essay Review - The Most Common Mistakes Made by Students

How to Write an Essay Review - The Most Common Mistakes Made by StudentsIf you want to know how to write an essay review, then read on. You'll find out a few simple tricks that can help you turn your terrible essay into a masterpiece.One of the most important lessons on how to write an essay review is to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is almost as bad as cheating and can land you in big trouble. Plagiarism can also be an unintentional plagiarism; it just doesn't look like it.When reviewing someone else's work, be sure to note all errors made by the author. Not all errors are malicious but just careless mistakes. Be sure to also include the appropriate citation information for the source paper and the author's name if appropriate.An excellent method to use when reviewing an essay is to take the time to discuss each point and answer any questions you have about the points. In fact, you can even go one step further and respond to questions that other students may have about the essay. The re is nothing worse than getting caught in the middle of an argument. The best thing you can do is to always remain calm and considerate during an essay review.Although it seems obvious, do not take the essay too seriously; try to relate it to other different essay types. This way, you can catch the flaws easier. Often times, people just don't think about the difficulty level of the topic. In this way, they can have more fun.Finally, remember that you should always test yourself when you are reviewing an essay. Try not to take it too seriously or give up too early.The best way to pass the essay is to give it a good test. But since most essays are hard to write, this isn't always easy. So you'll want to take advantage of all the tips we've covered in this article to have a higher chance of passing your exam.A few tips on how to write an essay review. Use these tips to help you get the best grades possible.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Performance Improvement free essay sample

A paper which talks about the significance of execution improvement, various strategies and initial phases in improving a business. The paper shows that the current serious business condition has brought about various execution improvement strategies getting mainstream. The paper breaks down a portion of these strategies and shows comparable qualities. Two of these attributes are an expanding center around the client and an accentuation on building connections. These two qualities are perceived as key achievement factors for an association. The paper talks about these two achievement factors and shows that an association must change inside to concentrate on these two achievement factors. It investigates how these progressions make a fundamental culture that underpins an emphasis on the client and on building connections. This basic culture would then be able to be based upon to adjust to changing occasions and to keep improving business execution. List of chapters Ideas of Performance Improving The Best Value Approach The Value Network Approach Servqual The Product-Service Mix Approach The Balanced Scorecard Hierarchical Analysis and Improvement Key Success Factors Representative Motivation Building Relationships

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Uva-F-1560, Hertz - 1415 Words

The bidding process for Hertz began when William Ford Jr. announced plans to explore â€Å"strategic alternatives† for Hertz in April 2005. Two months later in June, an S-1 registration statement was filed setting up a â€Å"dual track process† that would result in a Hertz IPO should other sale prospects fail. This decision affects the bidding process in multiple ways. For one there is less time for the two bidding groups to come up with a price and resulting agreement. They are forced to act quickly and find a price that the Hertz management will agree upon. If they don’t do this, then Hertz will just go through with the IPO. This could lead to a driven up price, since the bidding groups will do whatever it takes to win the bid. Hertz is an†¦show more content†¦ABS debt was not only less expensive (it carried a low interest rate around 4.5%), but it provided a more flexible financing arrangement since debt could increase or decrease with fleet size. Also, senior debt and purchase price multiples had increased to 4x EBITDA and 8x EBITDA respectively. These numbers are used in coming up with a purchase price multiple, which is a key drive in finding the enterprise value. When trying to find the Enterprise Value for Hertz, the sponsor group took a couple key assumptions. First off, management had projected transaction volume to grow 6.9% in 2005, which according to the case is one of the key drivers of the rental car business. This seems to be a reasonable assumption considering that travel was starting to rebound from the lows post 9/11. Also, the Bidding group believed $400-$600 million in annual EBITDA savings was attainable by 2009 (confirmed by external industry advisors). Hertz was behind in EBITDA margins, increasing operating expenses outpacing revenue growth, the off-airport growth strategy had significant losses, higher nonfleet capital expenditures, Europe’s RAC SGamp;A was 3 times higher than those in the U.S., and return on assets lagged competitors. The bidding group thought by targeting these problem areas, and others, they could generate higher profits. Another assumption

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Drugs Speech Essay - 620 Words

Speech on Drugs Paracetamol, Marijuana, Aspirin, Cocaine, Heroin... all these fancy words, what are they all, Yes they are drugs all different types of drugs. All of which have a different affect on our body, OK some more then others but they all do the same, change the way the body reacts. Before i continue let me introduce my self. My name is Muhammad Mulla and i would like to thank all of you for coming today to educate yourself towards drugs and there effect. Let me start of by telling you about drugs in general, drugs are chemical substances which have an effect on your body. There are 2 types of drugs Illegal and legal, legal drugs are ones such as paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen and many many many more.... But today i’m not†¦show more content†¦Also you may get memory loss. Marijuana can distort perception which may leave you unable to hear properly, see properly and may make you lose track of time, also it can make you feel anxiety, fear, distrust and make you panic. Cocaine changes numerous aspects of the body it can dilate your pupils, increase body temperature and increase heart rate and blood pressure. In the long term it can cause irregular heart attacks, chest pain and cause severe strokes. Heroin - personally i think this is the worst out of the 4, because it can stop you breathing and can kill you instantly. That is it, there is nothing much more about heroin. Well now that you know the effects of these drugs do you think you’ll be taking these drugs? Well i’ll tell you now i certainly wouldn’t be. I think the best way to prevent any of this happening is to not do it at all and stick to the legal drugs that can cure illnesses. That’s it thats the end of my speech i hope you all have more understanding and an increased knowledge of drugs and i hope you choose the right path for youShow MoreRelateddrugs speech1038 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Drugs speech Good afternoon. I’m here to tell you all about the effects of drugs on your young vital stage of development. I am not here to tell you what is right or wrong but I am here to educate you in order to help you make the right decision when faced with the prospect of drugs. Drugs may seem a surprising topic at this point in time, but very soon parties will start dominating your social life and drugs and alcohol will crawl themselves in. This is a result of experimentation, curiosityRead MoreInformative Speech Outline on Addiction to Prescription Drugs799 Words   |  4 PagesInformative Speech – Topical Orientation General purpose: Addiction to prescription drugs Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the growing problem of prescription drug abuse, some common drugs that cause abuse, and their effects and some common treatments. Pattern: People living in today’s society must be aware about the dangers that prescription Drugs can cause them, as well as the people around them. Introduction: * Attention : Is it possibleRead MoreInformative Speech Study Drugs and College Students Essay1104 Words   |  5 PagesInformative Speech Study Drugs and College Students I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: I reached into my backpack, grabbed an Adderall, and went to the bathroom. I smashed it on the bathroom sink and snorted it. I went back to my class and zipped through the rest of my exam, and it made all the difference. This student incident was found in a 2005 article published by Baylor University on the alarming use of â€Å"study drugs.† B. Thesis: Many of you may be unfamiliar with such a topic,Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Of The Speech Why We Need End The War On Drugs 1433 Words   |  6 PagesRhetorical Analysis of TEDTalk In the speech â€Å"Why We Need to End the War on Drugs† given by Ethan Nadelmann, a drug policy reformist, Nadelmann gives a compelling and persuasive argument on how and why we should end the war on drugs. Nadelmann describes himself as the oldest son of a rabbi and a human rights activist who works to end the drug war. He urges that the drug war is very dynamic and what the United States is doing in relation to stop it is not effective. This helps launch into what heRead MorePersuasive Speech: We All Should Support Mandatory Drug Testing in Schools810 Words   |  4 Pagesmandatory drug testing in schools and to encourage my audience to maintain a drug-free environment in school Introduction: I. Have you ever entered your school to see men in uniform processing drug tests to all students of your school, your friends, and even people you might know who do drugs? Have you ever thought about getting caught if you’ve had taken drugs or alcohol recently? II. Mandatory and Random drug testing in schools are being more used today in our society. Mandatory drug testingRead MoreInformative Speech : Psychoactive Drugs Essay1603 Words   |  7 PagesThe second article that I felt needed revision to solidify the success of the piece was the brochure that discusses my topic of psychoactive drugs. While creating this topic in brochure form, I enjoyed the task at hand, felt at ease when creating it, so revising it would not necessarily be a burden on my part. The first major revision worth noting is the coherency. Throughout there were some word phrases that either did not flow well, were out of place, or felt too extra to the discussion at handRead MoreWelfare Drug Testing Persuasive Speech1704 Words   |  7 Pagesgovernment housing. Currently there is mass debate, in courtrooms across the U.S., regarding the legality and morality of pre-assistance drug testing. This report is intended to familiarize the reader with the history of welfar e reform; the histories of drug testing in regards to assistance eligibility; and persuade the audience to vote yes for mandatory pre-assistance drug testing. b) Body b.i) History of Welfare (b.i.1) The first welfare programs originated with the Social Security Act of 1935. (bRead MoreSpeech On Alcoholism And Drug Propaganda Essay2268 Words   |  10 PagesWell, a study done by the NCAAD (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc.) that s what it feels like for 17.6 million people living in the United States who are battling alcoholism (6). The â€Å"War on Drugs† portrays the message that drugs like heroin and crack-cocaine are the dangers, but fails to mention that alcohol contributes to 3.3 million deaths annually, according to Jermaine D. Jones (6). All other drugs combined to an estimated 20,000 deaths per year. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Slavery in the United States free essay sample

Because colonial society in America was only just beginning, in the late 1600’s and early 1700’s, tension had mounted amongst settlers, natives, and slaves. Bacon’s Rebellion was an uprising in 1676 in the Virginia Colony, led by Nathaniel Bacon. The Pueblo Revolt was an uprising of the Pueblo Indians against Spanish settlers in 1680 in New Mexico. The Stono Rebellion was a slave uprising in 1739 in the colony of South Carolina, and was the largest slave uprising prior to the American Revolution. Bacon’s Rebellion, the Pueblo Revolt, and the Stono Rebellion reflected socio-economic tensions, relations with the Native Americans, and racial tension, respectively, in colonial society, shaping colonial America in the way we know it today. I. Socio-economic tensions arose amongst the settlers and Native Americans in colonial society. A. Virginia Governor, William Berkeley, refused to retaliate for Indian attacks on frontier settlements due to the fact that he would have to then tax the wealthy, of which he was friends with. We will write a custom essay sample on Slavery in the United States or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This angered the former indentured servants, poor whites, and poor blacks that felt belittled by the disregard for their own safety in lieu of taxation on plantation owners and officials. B. Group of people, led by Nathaniel Bacon, took matters into their own hands. They attacked Native Americans, chased Berkeley from Virginia, and then burned Jamestown. This is considered a play on power by Bacon, who was angered by Berkeley favoring his own court over everyone else. The conflict reflected socio-economic tensions within colonies, between the wealthy and the poor. The alliance between former indentured servants and Africans disturbed the ruling class, who responded by hardening the racial caste of slavery. D. Bacon’s Rebellion reflected the tension between the wealthy and the poor in colonial society. It is significant because it impacted how people viewed the power structure. People were now mindful that anyone had the right to overthrow the power system. Socio-economic tensions arose because of bad relations with the Native Americans, and even drove these relations in the wrong direction. II. Relations with the Native Americans dwindled due to tension between them and the settlers’ attempts to claim the land they live on. F. The Pueblo Revolt occurred due to Spanish settlers trying to claim land in the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo Mexico, present day New Mexico. This angered most of the Pueblo Indians already living there, who rose up against the settlers. The Pueblo killed around 400 Spanish and drove the remaining 2000 settlers out of the area. However, the Spanish would return twelve years later and take the land with little opposition. H. The conflict reflected the bad relations that existed amongst the Spanish settlers and the natives. This arose mainly because of the Spanish attempting to destroy the Indians’ religion, banning traditional dances and idols. I. The Pueblo Revolt reflected tensions between Native Americans and settlers in colonial society. It is significant because it showed the capabilities that Indian tribes possessed to fight back against colonial advances. J. Settlers not only had bad relations outside of their settlements, but also faced racial tension with the slaves in their settlements. III. Racial tensions arose amongst the settlers and the slaves that were located in their settlements. K. The Stono Rebellion was a slave rebellion that occurred in the colony of South Carolina. It was the largest slave uprising at its time. It is also the earliest known organized rebellion in America. L. The uprising was led by native Africans who were Catholic and from the Kingdom of Kongo. They recruited nearly 60 other slaves and killed over 20 whites before being stopped by the South Carolina militia. M. In response to the rebellion, the South Carolina legislature passed the  Negro Act of 1740,  restricting slave assembly, education, and movement. It also put in place a ten year prohibition on importing African slaves to South Carolina. The Stono Rebellion reflected racial tensions between slaves and their holders. It is significant because it slightly changed the way that slaves were treated in America, and also inspired many more slave uprisings of its kind in the colonies. Events such as: Bacon’s Rebellion, the Pueblo Revolt, and the Stono Rebellion reflected tensions that arose in colonial America. The socio-economic tensions, relations with the Native Americans, and racial tensions among settlers, natives, and slaves, shaped colonial America to become how we know it today.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Economic Crime In Russia Essays - Crime, Property Crimes

Economic Crime In Russia In Russia, where bureaucratic markets have been legalized, power and influence is highly monopolized, even by socialist standards. Liberalization and privatization of prices and trade have led to a cutthroat battle for redistribution of and control over property, resources, and allocation channels, and also have fed economic crime. Types of Wrongdoing Economic crime is hardly a new phenomenon. As long as people have exchanged goods, they have cheated. With the rapid development of technology and communications and the explosive increase in financial interactions between people in the second part of the twentieth century, economic crime has become a highly diversified and fast-growing industry. It is impossible to point to crimes that are specific to countries currently in transition, but some particular crimes flourish in transition, some could not be committed during socialism, and others decline when reforms begin. Illegal economic activities can be grouped in the following broad categories: Corruptionabusing power related to a particular job or position to gain unlawfully wealth or influence. Fraudfinancial gain obtained through loopholes in regulations, manipulation, or exploitation of public or personal trust (smuggling, illegal operations with hard currency, falsified bankruptcies, forgery, falsified credits, illegal capital flight, and so on). Theft and extortion (racket)direct (physical) intervention of criminals; expropriation of property or the property rights of others. Tax evasion. This category is beyond the scope of the this aticle. (Russia's tax police in the first half of 1996 uncovered about 12,000 cases of evasion resulting in 3,100 criminal cases, raising 13 trillion rubles for state coffers, and lodged penalties that will bring in another 9.3 trillion rubles, Interfax News Agency reported. Compared with previous years, the numbers reveal a change in government policies on tax evasion. During 1994 only 1,500 tax offenses were filed in court, of which only 20 cases were considered as criminal and only 10 saw sentences pronounced. In 1995, of 4,229 tax evasion cases, 1,611 were considered criminal and 312 evaders were sent to court.) There is a crucial difference between the second economy and economic crime. The second economy is a productive sector guilty of one main crimetax evasion; economic crime is only a redistributor of wealth. Crime Then and Now In the Soviet Union theft of socialist property, corruption, and illegal hard currency operations were the major economic crimes. Large-scale theft of socialist property and massive fraud involving hard currency could be, and were, punished by death. (William A. Clark analyzed trials of Soviet government officials and enterprise managers charged with economic crimes, as reported by the Soviet press between 1965 and 1990. Of the 849 officials tried, about 500 received jail sentences, with an average of eleven years jail for embezzling public property and eight for bribery. Thirty-two persons were sentenced to be executed.) In 1994, particularly, the Russian public discovered how much damage can be done by investment fraud and pyramids. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union new business rules, including the opportunity to establish limited liability companies, have opened a wide gate for fraud and other market type economic, white-collar crimes. Crime has become a highly profitable business in Russia. From an international perspective, the Russian criminal economy is extremely efficient. The sudden explosion of economic crimes has caught the Russian public and the government off guard. According to some estimates, the 1994 worldwide average per capita income from economic crime reached $100. The corresponding figure for Russia, however, was $130, assuming 38.4 trillion rubles in annual crime-related income (box 1). In Ukraine revenue from the infamous black economy reached $1.3 billion in 1994, or only $25.20 per capita. A high degree of the criminality in the transition economies was brought about by the privatization and marketization processes. These crimes are not specific to transition economies but rather are related to the process of redistributing property rights. In Great Britain, for example, the Thatcherite promotion of popular capitalism during the 1980s distributed shares of denationalized industries to a large number of first-time investors. Despite the best intentions of policymakers and special legislation to protect investors (absent in Russia when privatization started), many small investors were tricked into selling their shares at unfairly low prices to those who flocked to London to take advantage of the new, deregulated